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weekly highlights from the best fly fishing reports
"Whew! Just in from 6 days in a row of guiding on the river between Trout Creek and Maupin. Yeah, steelheading is still tough, but the bump in the flows seem to have gotten the fish moving and a little bit more grabby than they were a couple weeks ago. We have worked very hard for hookups, covering lots of water. It seems like the word is out that the fishing has been slow and as a result we are seeing fewer anglers on the that's a plus. Can't catch a steelhead from the couch! Trout fishing on overcast days has been outstanding! Mid-day bwo hatches are getting fish going in eddies, foam lines, and riffles. Taking an afternoon break from steelheading to catch trout on dry flies has been very fun and productive."
10/13: "Steelhead fishing still remains tough, however, this cold front we are experiencing right now should improve the fishing. The report has been one or two hookups a day. Working hard and covering lots of water has been the name of the game. Swinging and nymphing have been producing fish. Fish are spread throughout the system so anywhere on the Lower D could produce a steelhead. Go give it a shot as October is one of best months to catch steelhead! Trout fishing has been great on the Lower Deschutes. October caddis are all over during the evenings along with good hatches of Blue Wing Olives throughout the day. Occasional small tan caddis are in the mix as well."
Mysteriously silent since this on 10/6: "Steelhead fishing on the Lower Deschutes has been tough as of late. Putting your time on the water and covering as much water as possible has been key to success. Talking to guides and fishermen, the word on the street has been a couple fish there and there. The numbers this year seem to be lower than average. However, fishing could change anytime with colder weather and damn counts improving again. Fish are pretty spread out up to Trout Creek. The Maupin area down to Macks Canyon has been the most consistent with recent reports. Personally, that is where I have had success so far this year. Steelhead fishing is steelhead fishin, so stick with it and you should be rewarded. Do not be afraid to throw the trout rod in when going down to the Lower D this time of year. October Caddis and Blue Wing Olives have kept the redsides happy. When I have been down there steelhead fishing, I have noticed lots fish working on top. Simulators will work good for October Caddis and the Bwo's have been small. Size 18-20 would be a good size."
9/22: "Steelhead are present up above Sheras Falls now all the way up to Warm Springs. However, I would suggest South Juntcion and below for the most consitent fishing. Swinging and skating traditionals in the morning has been awesome! ...Trout Fishing has been really good. Caddis, Bwo's, and little mayflies have been fishing well under tree's and riffles. Keep your eye out for October Caddis which should hatching very soon. Nymphing this time of year for trout is also a great way to "accidently" hook a steelhead."
"Steelhead: Been a bit of a roller coaster. There are some really nice fish in the system and they have been a hoot to tie into. That is why you go chase the Lower River steel. They are chunky gorgeous and hot. Fish up to and above Maupin. Numbers will quickly spread, it's about that time of year. So far it has seemed like you had to put your time in and it has been" pockety." The more work, the higher the reward, that is the allure of steelheading. Trout: Normally the trout fishing picks up around this time of year. We are moving from the dog days of summer into fall. The fish are getting a break as every one is off chasing steelhead and there is still plenty of bugs to chow on before winter. Look for BWO and other mays to join the menu."
"Its Steelhead time on the Lower Deschutes! There have been some reports of people catching steelhead from trout creek to harpem flats. Fishing the lower river from Maupin to the mouth has been pretty consistent. We are starting to get cooler temperatures especially in the mornings and evenings. These tempertaure changes are super helpful for steelhead fishing."
9/1: "Steelhead fishing has become more consistent and all the numbers are pointed in the right direction. Numbers of fish coming over Bonneville and The Dalles have picked back up, and the Deschutes water temperatures have dropped down into the mid-60's. After a slow August, everything is in line for a normal Deschutes September. Fish have certainly been caught above Sherars Falls, but the best numbers of fish are still below the falls." Trout: "Best time to fish for Redsides is in the morning from 6 until 10, and for evening fun, from 6 PM until dark."
"Trout, well it's getting a little tougher out there. A lot of the eddy and dry fly bank fish are getting pretty spooky. Stealth and one great first cast is important. The evening shade has still been good. As we slide into fall it should pick up. Steelhead. Nights are cooling down and fishing should imporove. Numbers are a bit below the average at the time, but look like they are taking an upswing. The next month will really dictate how we look. Temps look decent and things should do nothing but improve."
"Fishing was luke warm, with reports from guides and ODFW personnel giving less than stellar numbers. We saw plenty of fish during the float, but most of them looked pretty lazy, and the fish we did hook put up mediocre fights before coming to hand. Temperatures are fore-casted to drop next week, so this is a great time to book a few days as fishing will continue to improve as the water gets cooler."
8/11: Steelhead: "So, now we are into early August, and showing signs of things loosening up with steelhead action. A few hardy steelhead have found their way passed the warm water temps down towards the mouth of the Deschutes, and managed to thrill some steelheaders fishing between Beavertail and Macks Canyon." Trout: "High day time temperatures are still below average making it nice to fish a little longer without feeling wiped-out. Best time to fish in the morning is from 6 until 10, and for evening fun, from 6 PM until dark. Midday will be slow, but you can still get trout to grab flies in the fast runs, pocket water, and shady tree covered areas. Caddis flies and Aquatic Moths is the dominant hatch until the first part of September."
"Well fishing has been decent. When there are plenty of caddis (nice consistent weather and no wind a plus) the dry fly fishing deep under trees and back eddies as been viable. At this stage of the summer they are not push overs. Use your eyes, subtle rises. Take your time and make the cast count. They won't let you hack on em at this point. Most have been there done this and are leary. Small caddis patterns, parachute adams, and purple hazes have been working. Steel down low are starting to show up and are a viable target. Just getting going. Good things are about to happen. Dust off the steelhead gear, it's about that time."
"Hot and still and tons of caddis everywhere yesterday. Look in shade pockets and eddies for working fish. The best fish are deep and not always gimme mes. It is getting later in the season and from salmon fly to caddis a lot of the easy targets have been there done that. The most receptive fish are the ones that are not getting pounded. Those are tougher fish (casting, stealth, etc) but worth the effort. Had some reports of some steel caught down low. It is getting to be that time."
"The Lower Deschutes has cooled down a bit since my last report. The fish just haven't been feeding like they were a week ago. We have been working hard, but finding some nice fish. The flows have been fluctuating all week, which probably played a big role in the mediocre fishing we saw. Even the evenings, which usually offer dynamite dry fly fishing, have been pretty lackluster the past few days. That said, the bugs are still hatching and as soon as we get some consistent flows, the fishing should get back to normal."
"the caddis numbers are good. Weather is awesome and fishing is pretty decent. I'd get in on it if dry flies and summer trout fun turns your crank."
"Redside Trout fishing on the Deschutes River is pretty good. Weather more like summer but still on the mild side, and that’s okay for us that don’t like it too hot. May flies, Caddis flies, Yellow Sally Stones, Crane flies, and Midge are the main diet for the Redside Trout on the Deschutes. Mornings have fished slow with midday and evenings been the better time to get hook ups."
"We are trying to turn the corner to summer fishing, the weather hasn't made up it's mind. Some stable, couple days straight of warm will get the caddis rolling and the fish finding a routine of looking for them. Stability is good. Steady patterns make for good fishing. Up and down and all over makes it a little more work."
"Hitting a transition. Still big bugs up around Warm Springs. Dwindling quickly. ...Evening shade was the best. Plenty of caddis. Did not see a ton of fish working the banks just yet on the caddis, again transition?"
"Big bugs are getting thin. Still getting fish to eat big dries, but we should be on the downward side of that action. Clock is ticking. Plenty of caddis and PMDs showing up on the menu. Restock the boxes and adjust from the salmon fly and golden stones. If it slows go to nymphing or a dry and drop with the big dries. Starting to transition toward summer time players, aka caddis."
"Past the mid way point of the salmon fly and golden stones. Really thin in the bushes aroun the Maupin area. As of yesterday, some fish looking for them still. Plenty of caddis, PMD's, yellow sallies, and a few Green Drakes ( fished awesome in the rain the other day)."
"Hitting peak salmon fly and golden stone hatch. Bugs are starting to get a little thinner around Maupin, but still around and still fish eating em, so game on. The bushes are loaded up around Warm Springs. Full throttle up there."
Deschutes River Fly Shops and Guides | Fly Shop | Guide Service | Lodging | |
Carbones Guide Service| Phone: 541-416-9191 |
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Deep Canyon OutfittersBend, OR | Phone: 541-323-3007 |
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Deschutes AnglerMaupin, OR | Phone: 541-395-0995 |
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Deschutes Canyon Fly ShopMaupin, OR | Phone: 866-647-4721 |
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Deschutes River AnglersBend, OR | Phone: 541-617-1571 |
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Deschutes River Fly FishingMaupin, OR | Phone: 541-395-2731 |
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Deschutes River Outfitters| Phone: 541-760-0956 |
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Fly and FieldBend, OR | Phone: 541-318-1616 |
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Oasis ResortMaupin, OR | Phone: 541-395-2611 |
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