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Small nymphs. Evening dries. 600 CFS (vs 520 avg).
Latest 9/11:
Slow for steelhead around Maupin; more fish near the mouth. Cooler weather would help (but forecast is hot). Trout on caddis, craneflies. October caddis soon. 600 - 620 CFS > a week (vs 520 avg).
Latest 9/8:
Cooler weather has improved steelhead fishing, but forecast is hot. 600 CFS (vs. 520 avg).
Has been windy (40+ mph), difficult casting, though a few steelies caught. Should calm somewhat, but still gusts 10 - 20 mph friday-sunday. 600 CFS (vs. 520 avg).
Latest 9/1:
Chromers tough. Trout not great either, but lots of evening caddis. Should improve with cooler weather this weekend. 600 - 650 CFS > a week (vs. 525 avg).
Latest 8/29:
Trout > steelhead. Trout "surprisingly good for August", with conflicting signals on techniques: small nymphs > dries: caddis, aquatic moths, PMD's. Steelhead still tough to catch, but becoming more consistent. Best below falls and at mouth.
Latest reports 8/24: (8/23)
Emphasis shifting to steelhead. Slow start, best in lower stretches. Crowded. 600 CFS (vs. 520 avg).
Latest reports 8/21:
Slowing for trout. Evening caddis, nymphing. Steelhead improving, best in lower stretch. 600 CFS (vs. 500 avg).
Latest reports 8/17: (8/16)
Steelhead forecast good, based on fish numbers (6000-8000 daily over Dalles Dam last week). Chrome entering deschutes now that temperature delta vs. columbia has narrowed.
Latest reports 8/15:
Steelhead "improving rapidly", water temps lowering, but not crowded yet (will change soon). Mostly wild fish. Fish the surface. Good a.m. rainbow fishing: micro caddis, craneflies, moths, choroids, micro mayfly spinners. Also p.m. caddis. 600 CFS (slow downward drift).
Latest reports 8/10:
Deschutes River Fly Shops and Guides | Fly Shop | Guide Service | Lodging | |
Carbones Guide Service| Phone: 541-416-9191 |
Deep Canyon OutfittersBend, OR | Phone: 541-323-3007 |
Deschutes AnglerMaupin, OR | Phone: 541-395-0995 |
Deschutes Canyon Fly ShopMaupin, OR | Phone: 866-647-4721 |
Deschutes River AnglersBend, OR | Phone: 541-617-1571 |
Deschutes River Fly FishingMaupin, OR | Phone: 541-395-2731 |
Deschutes River Outfitters| Phone: 541-760-0956 |
Fly and FieldBend, OR | Phone: 541-318-1616 |
Oasis ResortMaupin, OR | Phone: 541-395-2611 |