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August 3

Leviathan (White, AR)
A fellow guide Jeff Moore of had a fisherman hook and land this brown trout this morning at 9:00 am on spinning rods that weighed 36.7 lbs on the upper end of the White River.

Micro-gasm (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
Oh what a day for 7x tippet. The name of the game is trico in these late summer months, which can be difficult but the consistency is good. Between 7 and 10 in the morning the fishing is just on with clouds of little bugs hanging out over the water and I really do mean clouds.

Moonlight Sonata (Au Sable, MI)
So we went out in the full moon on the too cold night, and we weren’t 50 yards into the wade when I was trying to net Matt’s fish with Matt’s ridiculously small net.  It ate in the middle of the river, in the middle of the moonlight.  Moonlight so bright you had to squint. 

Mountain Fishing (Central WA)
Creek fishing with small rods for small trout might be the heart and soul of this sport.

What Drought?  What Slow-Down? (Michigan)
Our rivers are cooler, and they have water.  The fishing has been good at all hours, from morning tricos to lingering olives, to the good mix of olive spinners at dusk, and so on.  A smorgasbord of fishing.

Fringe Benefit Of Fly Fishing (Colorado, AZ)

August Crayfish (Truckee, CA)
August brings on a couple of changes to the river. There are not as many bugs or hatches and the food source changes for the fish. Crayfish begin to molt and become soft shelled. They become a very important food item for the fish as the bugs become harder to find. Dead drifting Crayfish patterns is a deadly way to fish in August.  This is the unofficial start of “Big Fish Season” on the Truckee.

Outlet Closure (Feather, CA)
After decades of madness, mayhem, vandalism, and possibly the best shore-based fishing in the entire state of California; it's all over at the infamous Thermalito Afterbay Outlet.  The Outlet closure is complete and permanent; no fishing of any kind for a 250-foot semi-triangular radius upstream, downstream, and outward of the Outlet itself.

Midnight Derby (Au Sable, MI)
Now that it's night fishing season, it's time to start signing up for the First Annual Midnight Derby, on August 18th.  This is a one-fly, night fishing "tournament" composed of teams of two.  Basically, you and a buddy each get one fly, and you go fishing together.  We'll meet for dinner at the lodge at 7pm, and the "gunshot" start is at 8 pm.  Fish anywhere in the state.  You must return by 3 a.m., but most folks will be back around midnight or one a.m., I suppose, for snacks, discussion, picture viewing and libations.


Grim Reaper (Madison, MT)

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