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July 26

Mutant Fatties (Lower Sacramento, CA)
Fish were all really, really fat. Super healthy fish right now. Heads on 18" fish that could be from a 10" fish.  Huge bodies.  It does not suck.

Hidey Holes” (Yakima, WA)
The last 45 minutes of fishable light has been two thumbs up with the bigger boys coming out of their hidey holes to smash a dry on top.

Clandestine Trico Ops (Au Sable, MI)
Getting locked in on a pod of difficult fish during tricos produces a sense of secrecy.  That the world has shrunk to its finest point.  It's not invisible fishing, but the realm of invisibility hangs over the proceedings.

Sulfurs (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)

Bug Sauna = Bad Fishing (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
Man, tough going out there yesterday, even up in Deposit. I guess the fish / bugs decided they didn’t want a sun tan. The air temps remained bearable throughout the day, but our tricos never fell, and as mentioned the sulphurs decided to lay low as well.

Heat Reprieve = Good Fishing (Au Sable, MI)
Much better.  That's the report up here, where the temperatures have dropped from sweltering to tolerable, the morning bugs are happening after breakfast, the fish are eating hoppers and assorted "junk" in the afternoons, and the evening spinners are tapering nicely into the kind of clean, clear, cool night that stirs the night fisher in us.  It's now a summer that we can enjoy.

Gadzooks! (Au Sable, MI)

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