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July 20

Bull Trout + Bald Eagle = Dead Trout (McKenzie, OR)
Do we all believe Scott just had the battle of a life time, a huge Bull Trout, release the near dead hatchery fish, and now the Eagle?
Blog comment: The day wasn’t so special for that trout. Talk about a BAD DAY!

Hotter Than...A Whorehouse On Nickel Night… (Upper Sacramento, CA)
Holy melting popsicles! It's been hotter than a whore house on nickel night here in Dogpatch.

Trico Assault (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
Tricos! Holy *&%^! We had a ton of them all over Home Pool this morning.

Coming In Waves (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
The bugs are coming up in waves so don't be discouraged and head back when you haven't seen a fish in fifteen minutes.

Nymphing Sermon (Upper Sacramento, CA)
When nymphing my sermon as always is "git ur down" ..... thy weighted flies is thy savior.

To hell with the weathermen” (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
We went from getting an inch of rain yesterday, to not even a drop falling out of the sky at any point. I was looking forward to the cloud cover and fun evening fishing but nooooooo.

And The Bureau Of Reclamation (San Juan, NM)
Hey Bureau Of Reclamation, you're making me look bad here. I caught some flack in the shop this past week for reporting from a BOR e-mail I had received that Friday, that they intended to take the San Juan flow down to 650 cfs, on Monday, and it actually ended up closer to 800 cfs.

Summer Pattern (Catskills, NY)
We are now in true summer conditions with most hatches early and/or late in the day.  Small flies and long leaders are a plus at this time of year.  Terrestrials really come into their own as we continue into summer.  Make sure you check water temps.  The freestones remain very low and warm while the tailwaters remain the choice of where to fish.

…Ugly (Catskills, NY)
These rivers are at summer flows which means large amounts of the river beds are exposed. Overall the fishing quality in these rivers is poor and limited for Trout.  In the Beamoc waters the Sections below Livingston Manor and Below Roscoe are too warm for Trout fishing. The Trout in these sections have already moved to deep and cold water areas, Additionally the section of the Beaverkill in Horton, from the Acid Factory Pool downstream to the Route 17 bridges  is closed to fishing. This is to protect the Trout in this section during the summer months.

Mud Slides (Yakima, WA)
Severe, localized thunderstorms caused rock and mud slides near MP 20 in the Canyon on Tuesday. This is the same area that was hardest hit by slides July 3rd 1998. The 1998 slides were much worse, dumping massive amounts of debris in the river. The current slide was limited for the most part to dry land. The Canyon road was closed yesterday, but should be open by today or tomorrow. We also had a major mudflow from thunderstorms in the Teanaway river basin yesterday.  This should clear up in the next day or two barring further heavy rain.

Up In Michigan (Au Sable, MI)
I’m sitting on our front porch writing the fishing report, watching the clouds and drizzle and trout rise to what must be small olives. It’s a perfect looking day to catch trout: cool, dark, and wet.

The Thrill Is Gone (Au Sable, MI)
The hazy nights of big bugs are gone and so is the blood lust that comes with them.

Nocturnal (Au Sable, MI)
The night-bite is my favorite way to lose sleep.  There are large trout in all reaches of the watershed and if you can bear the ominous sounds coming from the forest, you will be rewarded with a major rush of adrenaline and your best chance at a trophy brown until the fall.  Tie on something your cat would eat and cast at the bank, mend downstream and hold on to your rod.   …Denny earned his nickname “Green Beret” after releasing this handsome brown.

Scuds (Green, UT)

Careful With That Axe, Eugene (Oregon)
Finally please do be careful at your next boat launch.

Revenge…On Bugs (Au Sable, MI)
And don’t forget to fish the bugs that bite you. If only to get even, fish deer flies. Deer flies eat people. Fish eat deer flies. So   . . . ? I’m not sure where the logic goes.

Nothing But Greatness” (Yellowstone)
GRG’s owner floated this river the past five days and reported nothing but great-ness. Those were his words.

Life Ain’t So Bad (Au Sable, MI)

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