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July 13

Sticky Balls (and much more) (Yakima, WA)
It is 95 at seven PM. This is way past sticky balls. I came through the canyon yesterday from a trip to Idaho and the summer zoo on the Yakima is in full bloom. You name it, it is probably tattooed to some fat white woman's behind.  Cheap beer, hot weather and dirty love all making for another Blue Ribbon summer on the Yakima.  I say embrace the season, be the season.

Sphincter Tightening (Truckee, CA)
as we were packing it up around 9 pm, I see (another first) a friggen wild black bear no more than 40 yards from us. Scared the crap out of me.

Hillbilly Nostalgia (San Juan, NM)
I'm drawn to [dry fly fishing] like a hillbilly to a banjo tune, there's just something about it that stirs the soul. I haven't lived in my native area of Appalachia for over 30 years and I've long since traded my overalls , straw-hat, and bare feet for waders, wading boots and ball cap, but I must confess that when I hear the intro of Foggy Mt. Breakdown, my feet involuntarily start tapping and I get a "hankering" for some of that old corn likker that the Artrip brothers used to run through the copper tubing up in the holler.

Central Valley Hot (Lower Sacramento, CA)
I'm not one to beat around the bush... so here goes-- Holy shit, it's hot out !!

You Could Fry An Egg” (Truckee, CA)
It’s hot, 94 here in the Hirsch, hot for us mountain folks, 100 in Reno. Get out there early.

Stay Away (Penns, PA)
Please stay away from Penns until the temps drop back down. Right now you will stress the trout and they could die from being caught.

Thirsty River (Au Sable, MI)
More days of no rain.  More drought.  More low water.  The South Branch trickles on at a pitiful 80 cfs.

Alaskan Thirst Quencher
alaskan river fly fishing thirst quencher
Gates of Heaven (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
delaware river fly fishing gates of heaven

You Can’t Do Any Wrong (Yellowstone)
You can't do any wrong, except for catch whitefish on every nymph under the sun.  The Stone is the place to be right now - the drop and clear is the name of the game and some of the best fishing of the year on the Yellowstone - I would highly recommend getting on it now.

Nirvanna (San Juan, NM)
that final moment of commitment when they slowly engulf it, when your mind and synapses must all come together in the precise moment of the lifting of the rod tip and your heart skips a beat, the whole world stops turning for just that moment, and you become tight to a fish.

End Of Story (Yakima, WA)
the Yakima is fishing good to great / end of story

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