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June 21

Kiene Says Go Now (Northern California)
Many of the trout streams in California are fishing well.

The “Black Hand” (San Juan, NM)
san juan river jay walden
Keywords: mojo, groove, Ju-Ju, “get your mind right,” “albatross around my neck”
"The Black Hand", that's what one of my fishing acquaintances and a fair raconteur in his own right, Clayton Gist, calls it. Theories abound, as to its cause, ranging from lack of sleep, rushing out the door to the river without that second cup of coffee, or just simple preoccupation with the issues that surround us outside of fishing, in this thing called life. Whatever the reason, it's something you don't want to become afflicted with. It's bad "Ju-Ju", brother, and if you think that the theories for its raison d'etre are myriad, there exist about as many as for the common cold, for its cure. One of the more prevalent ones is to repair oneself to the nearest bank and have a leisurely lunch, or rearrange your fly box into color-coordinated rows; or better yet, put all the flies into their order of taxonomy and zoological classification as they exist in the entomological world. Anything to restore your equanimity and as the Strother Martin Jr. character in "Cool Hand Luke" says, "get your mind right."

“Dean Of The Green” (Green, UT)
I talked to the “Dean of the Green”, Mr. Emmett Heath today.  It’s always good catching up with the big fellow on what’s going on at the Green River throughout the fly-fishing season.  He’s still got it dialed in.

Greenie Weenie (Penns, PA)
A yellow stimulator and green weenie would be a good bet.

Klamath Steelies (Klamath, CA)
Steelies are already showing on the lower Klamath (about three weeks early) and is a great indication of a solid steelie run.

And 91 Trout (Klamath, CA)
Hello fishermen; The Salmon fly and stone fly were great this year and the fishing was also. The last few days I fished there I was averaging 50 fish landed each day, the last day which was this last friday was the best. We landed 91 trout.

“Epic Stuff” (Upper Sacramento, CA)
High sticking with dry/dropper - fish sitting 2 ft. off the rod tip, casting while crouched down hiding behind bushes.... epic stuff.

Early Dog Days? (Catskills, NY)
Its going to be very hot for the next few days. Please watch the water temperatures and anticipate only morning (possibly evening) fishing

Slowing Down (Middle Fork Feather, CA)
The upper river that was so good two weeks ago is entering its Summer mode already. Water temps are now running 62-66.7 degrees. Fish are now located right in the well oxygenated white water of riffles and heads of pools during the day.

Trout Posing As Lamprey? (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
upper delaware river rainbow lamprey

Experience Required (Yellowstone)
The Yellowstone is still high at 11,200cfs, but less muddy and dropping. It can be floated right now, but only by the most experienced oarsmen.

When I Was A Lad
I caught a lot of fish ---to the point where my mother and sisters told me not to bring any more of them dammed fish home unless they told me to.

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