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June 15

OMG – McCloud and Upper Sac (Northern California)
Buster (gitten em), my slacker sources and yours truly are experiencing some OMG days as well we should after the last 2 early seasons.

Man Enough? (Owens Gorge, CA)
Stinging nettles are back. Also watch out for snakes.

Green Drake (McKenzie, Oregon)

Thousands and Thousands (Penns, PA)
there are lots of other hatches including stoneflies by the thousands, Craneflies by the thousands.

Covert Hex Operation  (Au Sable, MI)
It starts in the middle of the night, a flutter of wings from the stink-muck in the weeds sometime around midnight.  A few people are there, hoping for "first bugs", sitting on the bank and shining a light for shucks.  They aren't talking...

Hex Adult

Visible on Radar
(Mississippi River in 2006)

Hex Nymph

Hex Eruption (Au Sable, MI)
the hex has erupted throughout the Au Sable river system, and not even the last two cold nights could halt it completely.

Hex’d Employees (Au Sable, MI)
Look forward to late nights and punch drunk, bleary eyed fly shop guys for the foreseeable future.

Summer Already? (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
if this warm, clear weather continues, the action will start to be concentrated solely on the West Branch.

Summer Slow-Down (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
The Main Stem seems to be warming up and the fishing is slowing down because of that.

Hit The Shade (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
You may also consider fishing the upper stretches of the rivers (where the trees provide more shade) during the day, and hitting the main sections in the evening.

Have A Pulse? (San Juan, NM)
if that slow, methodical take of an ant or cartoon hopper doesn't make your heart skip a beat, then you need to stop reading this right now and call your cardiologist and get an EKG scheduled.

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