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June 9

NorCal Abundance
Too many places to go right now. Shad, Mac, UpperSac, LowerSac, Pit, etc....

NorCal Water Overview
Straight Aces (Pumped- up watershed overview)
Late winter/spring rains have truly been a blessing and saving grace to northern California lakes and rivers and no time more obvious than now. What appeared to be a dismal critically dry year in all of northern California has been replenished with great water qualities in most all watersheds. Currently snowmelt and runoff has peaked and most all lakes are full, or near full capacities while Coastal/Central Valley rivers are supporting healthy flows and slowly dropping into prime mid-spring fishing conditions.

Plethora (McCloud, CA)
A plethora of hatches are happening here so be prepared with a variety of dry flies ..... caddis, mayflies, golden stones, salmon flies, yellow sallies, and drakes.
mccloud salmonfly

Caddis Blizzard (Yakima, WA)
yakima caddis

Millions Of Stoneflies (Penns, PA)
Lots of bugs hatching, Millions of Stoneflies, Slate Drakes, Craneflies, #14 BWO, Caddis

The Basics (Penns, PA)
Fish rose and were caught last night.

Short Story (Au Sable, MI)
This trout was big…  Dave made a good cast.  Mended.  The fly twitched just slightly.  And the fish exploded.  It kicked our butts.

Red Bull Warning (Yakima, WA)
don't wait until 10 boats loaded up with out of work guides drinking Red Bull have fished over the best trout before you decide to get out here!

Stay Away (Yellowstone)
Still big and brown.  Spiking hardcore.  18000 cfs and climbing.  Big and dirty.  See you in a toward end of June.

Tirade (Yakima, WA)
Well the Yakima sucks, what a surprise. So not to rant but WTF has happened to global warming???? Every year there is months of runoff and cool temps ,its June. Despite what the pimps say the Naches sucks too. We are going strait from Skwalla's to Tattooed whales with nothing but high water in between. I should have stayed in Mexico. Well I feel better now, thanks.

Excuses, Excuses (White, AR)
I got some emails from some of my readers that were a little worried about me. I’m here to say I’m good and fishing a lot, so reports are tough to post right now. I apologize for this, but fishing is what I do and that’s really where my passion lies, pursuing the next excited thing when I’m on the water.

Cicadas (Green, UT)
the Cicadas have really begun to fill the Green River corridor.

Jewelry Salesman (Lower Sacramento, CA)
The old slogan "A Diamond Is Forever" kinda portrays what this river delivers. That would be consistently good and great fly fishing memories.

Campbell’s Soup (Upper Sacramento, CA)
This week the Upper Sacramento has been mmm, mmm, gooooood.

Wheaties (Fall, CA)
The "breakfast of champions", better known as the morning PMD hatch is happening!
breakfast of champions

G Spot (Lower Sacramento, CA)
Then we got to 'the spot'. I've always loved 'the spot'. Especially during higher flows. We hooked at least a dozen fish, including two double hook-ups while we fished 'the spot'. We could have stayed there for a loooong time... but we only beat 'em up for so long before feeling guilty and moving on. The fish ate all kinds ofdifferent bugs... nothing stood out as 'the hot fly'.

QB (Northern California)
Zen Thought Of The Day ......... being able to read trout streams is just as valuable to a fly fisherman as the ability to read a defense is to a quarterback.

Late Innings (Deschutes, OR)
Still have a little time in the Warm Springs area on the big bugs, but we are looking at the late innings.  Get out and have fun with the big dries while you can.  Next up caddis.

Fly Fishing at 91 (Oregon)
fly fishing at 91

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