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June 1

Kiene’s Discussion Bonanza
The board is going nuts

Bolliboka (McCloud, CA)
Guiding in trout paradise. Some of the coolest water in the state. Closed to the public for over 100 years. Browns and rainbows. Nymphs, dries and streamers.  Bollibokka Club on the Lower McCloud River is the most exclusive piece of wild trout water around. Check out the video to the right of this report.

“Bushes are loaded” (with bugs) (Deschutes, OR)
Hitting peak salmon fly and golden stone hatch.  The bushes are loaded up around Warm Springs.

Air, Too (Deschutes, OR)

Epic (Deschutes, OR)
(several anglers reported the best they ever scored it in their lives). Everyone I have talked with who was recently over there said it was totally going off for epic fishing.

Yeah boy… (Deschutes, OR)

Ready To Pounce (Yakima, WA)
It looks like we may get a window for some late spring fishing on the Yakima. Water is down to 3700 and clearing nicely, at 3000or less were in.

Smorgasboard #1 (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
Overall there are more than a dozen different insect species you may encounter on the water at any time.

Smorgasboard #2 (Penns, PA)
Great Slate Drake hatch, Great Stonefly Hatch, Bwo's, Sulphurs, Cahills, Craneflies, Caddis, Green Inch Worms, Beatles, Ants.

All Hell Breaking Loose (Au Sable, MI)
And it was really good last weekend.  Good hot nights.  Good spinnerfalls.  The lodge inbox began to accumulate fish pictures.  The morning coffee crew brimmed with stories.  There was Tom's fish that ran him all over the county, got into his backing, and then came off.  There were rumors of a fish on the Manistee pushing the 30 inch mark.  There were old friends Hal and Tom who did there best to lose a big brown, blinding each other with flashlights, swooping with nets, hooking each other, and otherwise creating a story they'll remember.

Isonychia: Bailout Bug (Au Sable, MI)
The Iso is a bail-out bug.  It seems to happen best when nothing else is happening at all.

Alas (Penns, PA)
The drake is gone for another year.

End Times (Penns, PA)
I believe that the Mayans are right and that the world is ending soon and the creeks being high is just one of the signs of the end of the world. Having said all that...things are looking a little better.

Yellowstone Snow
Right now, we’re in middle of a real interesting Montana spring!  The Yellowstone river almost looks good enough to fish, however it’s also snowing sideways and 35 degrees.  Why bother getting all dressed up for whimpy mountain trout when you could be fishing for steel head in the very same weather!

Yellow Snow (Sulfur Spinnerfall) (Au Sable, MI)

Steelhead Song (Trinity, CA)
Give me a stream on Alaska’s shore,
Where the steelheads run in the spring,
Where they take the lure with a savage tug,
And make the old reel sing.
Give me a riffle below the falls,
Where the stream runs swift and wide,
Where the sun filters through the tall spruce limbs,
And the trout in deep pools hide.
Give me a fight with a steelhead trout,
And may the best man win.
But it’s ten to one if my leader holds,
I’ll bring that steelhead in.
By Richard Eines— (1945)

Fishermen & Veracity (CA)
Zen Thought Of The Day ....... of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy.

North To Alaska
I left for Anchorage on the morning the the 24th.  After a pretty long trip up, im finally here. On my flight from seattle to anchorage i managed to get trapped in between a very large man, and an even larger woman with her tantrum throwing almost two year old sitting on her lap. Put in the headphones and tried to sleep.

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