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May 25

Klamath Salmon? (CA)
The lower Klamath is still very high but there have been a few rumors of springers taken on the lower river.

Klamath Salmonflies (CA)
The Salmon flies are just starting to appear. We don't doubt that there are rainbows right now, eating salmon flies, while you read this report.

Northern California Salmonflies
Just like a few of it's neighboring waters [Pit, Klamath, Hat Creek], the Upper "Sac" is just starting to spit out Stoneflies and a few Salmon flies.

McCloud Rising (California)
Definitely the star of the show for the past week.

Truckee Wind (California)
We’ve been taking a beating by the wind this week on the Truckee River. Pummeled is the word.

Deschutes Salmonflies (Oregon)
deschutes salmonfly

Brown Drake Spinnerfall (Au Sable, MI)
The brown drakes have arrived early and heavy.  Two very warm nights over the weekend quietly kicked these big bugs into high gear, and now they are peaking on the upper North Branch, and starting to roll on the South Branch and the Mainstream.
au sable brown drakes

Yellowstone Run-Off
Is it going to hit 20k?  See you in late June! It's toast!

Beer Belly = Bait Fisherman? (McKenzie, OR)
Those with raised hands are voting to limit bait fishing for redband trout on the McKenzie River.  Notice any patterns among those without raised hands?  From the comments: Not kidding… Everyone who voted against the bait ban was either a deranged septuagenarian, or a morbidly obese redneck. One empassioned old man brought a night crawler with him which he brandished to emphasize his points.
beer belly bait fishermen

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