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May 18

Northern California Hatches Late?
Hatches seem to be running a big late on all the local rivers including the Pit, McCloud, Hat and Upper Sac. Except for the Upper Sac which is still hight, all other rivers are in great shape.

But Early In High Sierra? (Truckee, CA)
All hatches should be a few weeks ahead of normal given the lower than average water levels, and unlike last year we will be able to fish them.

…Hex’s Early?  (Fall, CA)
I expect the Hexegenia will start early this year. Maybe last week of May.

Scenery’s On Time (Northern California)

Drought No More? (Catskills, NY)
we’ve magically gone from a drought prediction to tons of water coming into the reservoir.

…Rainy Month (Catskills, NY)
We really did make up for the dry winter-this has been one heck of a rainy month so far.

“Done” (Yellowstone)
Check back in late June. Done, done, and done till then.

Fugedaboutit (Yellowstone)
Fly Pattern Suggestions:
Dries: A life jacket

Mud (Penns, PA)
The term we have decided to use to decribe the water color is, "MUD SLIDE".

Putting A Good Face On It (Penns, PA)
Sometimes the drake fishing can be very good in brown high water.

Forces Massing (Penns, PA)
GREEN DRAKES are building up strength down around Glen Iron.

Keys To The Kingdom (Au Sable, MI)
One of our great regulars, Odie, said off fishing a spinnerfall the other night, “It was like having a huge ring of keys and trying to find the right one for the lock. I tried one, then tried the next one and the next one until I found one that worked.”

Dry (Bighorn, MT)
The lack of precipitation and snowpack is serious. Algae is becoming an issue, but the excellent fishing makes up for it.

Green Drake (Catskills, NY)

Oliver Spinner (Au Sable, MI)
this big spinner will produce some big trout in May.

Screw Latin (Au Sable, MI)
The fish don’t know the names anyway.

Coming Alive (Au Sable, MI)
Up North is coming alive.  Lots of great fish pics below, but I think my favorite is the photo of the grouse nest--cool to see.

Yellowstone Spring
This blue grouse, or dusty grouse, was in full mating display for several minutes.  We sat down, watched and listened as he courted the female about 3 feet away.  Springtime in Yellowstone is one of the best time frames for seeing wildlife without the crowds of summer.   We saw eight different bears on our drive through the Park, two different sets of a sow and two cubs, and two different single griz browsing for food.  Don’t forget that bear spray!

Lightning Strike (Au Sable, MI)
"Don't charge him for the trip.  He almost got struck by lightning." Within minutes of this picture being taken, the sky was split by lightning.  About two feet to the right of Willy F. a small hole appeared in the water, and the entire boat got a jolt, and a shock.  The hole in the water was described as being "very similar to a trout rise."  No lasting effects, though Willy's dad said that he felt smarter… The best thing to do is get off the water and find low cover.  Leave your rods in the boat too -- nothing worse than holding a lightning rod in a lightning storm. 

Night Of The Living Dead (Catskills, NY)
Last night there was heavy Coffin Fly action after dark.

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