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April 20

Great Deals On Fly Boxes

2-Pack of swing leafs for $15.90 (including shipping)
Plus 4 waterproof models

Public Service Message

Adrenalin Shot (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
Towards evening, the whole thing exploded with rising fish.

Hot Creek – you ain’t so tough (Hot Creek, CA)
For years there has been a rumor amongst the most elite of the flyfishers that Hot Creek is VERY technical, only for pros and experienced fly fishers, 15 foot 7x leaders are necessary-size 28 flies are the only thing they will bite.  If you don’t dress like an Orvis fly fishing manikin  & carry a Smithsonian endorsed cane rod while casting- NO TROUT FOR YOU…  BS!!!  This is the easiest place other than Crowley to fish in the entire Sierra.

So Near Yet So FarHendrickson Hatch (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
the heaviest Hendrickson hatch I ever saw I was lying on my back on the bank around 17 pool trying to not get hit by lightning. River looked like velvet and I couldn't even make a cast... such is life.

“Velvet” River -- Blanket Hatches Of Hendricksonssee more photos (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)

Hendrickson Mystery Upon Mystery (Au Sable, MI)
it’s hard to figure out how deep we are into the Hendrickson hatch. On Tuesday, there were very few Hendricksons on the mainstream, yet they were great on the Mason Tract section of the South Branch. Today, Wednesday, there were few Hendricksons anywhere (though there was a good olive hatch…and decent streamer fishing). How long can this go on? Well, it’s hard to say. We’re now entering our third – yes third – week of Hendricksons. But we’ve had few, if any, blanket hatches. With yet more cold nights in the forecast…well, again, it’s just hard to say. We’ve entered what seems to me to be a prolonged stall, and the hatches are starting to overlap: Hendricksons, black caddis, BWOs, mahoganies (a very underrated hatch), and a smattering of stoneflies as well…not to mention a few olive and/or Hendrickson spinners mixed in.

Streamside Convenience (Au Sable, MI)
The fishing was crappy today: an old outhouse "think" tank shipwrecked on a logjam.

Flushing Flows (Bighorn, MT)
The flushing flows worked like magic, and dry fly fishing is as good as it gets right now. Midges and more recently baetis hatches have produced some epic days on the river.

Criminal Activity? (Montana)
Road trips that revolve around fishing don’t suck. Plan one soon.

Low Water Wisdom (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
when the water is low the trout tend to get packed into the riffles and tails of riffles. This is mostly because of the slow clear water in the pools making trout very vulnerable to air predators.

Rise Form Wisdom (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
Hatches have become more complex at times with both mayflies and spinners on the water.  Be sure to check the rise forms.  A fish with his back out of the water is generally not taking a surface fly.

Timing Wisdom (Au Sable, MI)
In the end, it’s pretty simple to know when to go—whenever you have time.

Ominous Statementor business development? (Penns, PA)
Unless we get some rain, the spring fishing will quickly fade to summer. Get here soon.

Combat Fishing (White, AR)
I have to admit I’ve got tears in my eyes at this moment from reading the back of Macs’ vest.  These men and women gave more than we will ever know or and even imagine.  My hat off to every Vet who ever served our country.

5-Word Report (Yakima, WA)
The River is a mess.

McCloud River Gnomes (McCloud, CA)
I just got off the phone with the river gnomes up on the McCloud. They said and I quote "all the rocks and trees are back in place, we just finished installing the river and the fish should be here anyday". [note: the McCloud doesn’t open until April 28]

Twilight Zone (Truckee, CA)
Talk about weird; not only did I recover the exact same lost fly twice in one day, and manage to hook the same fish twice in the same hole, but I also hooked her on the exact same pattern! I also realized that my earlier 2 second meeting hadn't actually been with "Walter"; it was with his little sister.

Shop Dog On-Boarding (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
She was in the store yesterday looking sweet and innocent-very deceiving.  Every evening she turns into a hurricane or a whirling dervish.  She is a handful. Waiting for her to slow down to bring her in daily.  She is now fine and a lunatic-although she is starting to slow down a little.

Fly Fishing Forever (Au Sable, MI)
It was a stipulation made by George Mason as part of the Mason Tract Donation. He wanted it to be a place where anglers could pause for reflection. That’s just what I did. On the copper placard inside the Chapel it says:


Thanks for reading!

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