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September 28

Spawners (Eastern Sierra)
Rainbow and Brown trout are beginning to pair up for the fall spawn in the Sierra.

Aggressive Browns (Au Sable, MI)
The cooler water temps will put a charge into big browns, making them more aggressive as well as making their coloration more vivid as spawning urges develop.
This Just In! (Feather, CA)

Urgent Report (Walker, CA)
Looks like a pretty good catch. The brown isn't bad either.

More Breaking News

McCloud Fire Aftermath (McCloud, CA)
The McCloud River remains closed. I received an e-mail from the Forest Service yesterday noting they were not sure when it will open. Reason being safety concerns due to rolling debris and tree snags that come down to the river from the burned side. On the other hand for those of you angsting over the shape of things here's some shots taken 2 days ago on a special ops recon mission down there. Yes, Dogpatch has it's own boots (we call him Ole Boots) on the ground for this event .... unauthorized of course. As you can see the old girl has weathered the fire for the most part and dodged a bullet. All structures are intact and unscathed. The roads are a little beat up on the west side of the ridge. The river is as pretty as ever and beckons us ..... just be patient, our time will come but she needs to heal a bit.

Hour Glass Is Draining” (Au Sable, MI)
The glaze of morning ice in the bottom of the guide boats is a quick reminder that the hour glass is draining slowly into winter.  High, high skies this morning.  The 8:30 a.m. temperatures is sub-thirty.   The forecast reads like the happy daydream of leaf fanatic.  The bird hunters are happily rolling out toward distant coverts.

Autumn Two-Fer (Penns, PA)
The fishing is really good, The leaves will change over the next two weeks.

Streamers, Dammit! (Au Sable, MI)
…we need rain.  And not just some rain.  We need a flood.  The kind of epic fall deluge that turns overnight into a mushy sleet and spurns hundreds of northern residents to hurriedly fire up chainsaws and make oak piles.  Because the fishing, while pleasant, was very tough two days ago (though better yesterday), and with seven more days of blissful, mid-sixty degree days with only a few puff clouds in the afternoon forecasted, the prospects of fishing size #20 droppers on 7x fluorocarbon seem rather strong.  Not there's anything wrong with that.  But we want to throw some of these dammit:

Streamers – You Got It (Yellowstone)
With fall approaching, it could only mean one thing to people that share a passion for large Brown Trout, STREAMER SEASON!  …the fall time is very special because as Browns get ready to spawn, they get particularly aggressive toward big flies. It may be that they’re trying to pack on a couple of extra pounds for winter, or it may be that they are showing their dominance, but either way it makes for a fun time for streamer anglers.  In the fall on the Yellowstone there are two color schemes of flies that I would not want to be without, Olive/White, and Yellow/Brown. It is also good to have flies with lots of motion this time of year; it really seems to cut the chases down, and turn them into takes.

Pithy (Yakima, WA)
"Rockin" - End of Story

Waiting For Cold Fronts (Truckee, CA)
I would like a few cold fronts with some rain to come through and shake things up a bit, but for now, I’ll bask in the sun while we have it.

Fall….three months is not enough.  It’s September, one of three months I can’t  live without.


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