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March 16

Blown out!  ..with more rain coming

11X Tuesday’s flows (Yuba, CA)


8X Tuesday’s flows (Upper Sacramento, CA)


2012 – Bumper Salmon Year? (California)
From the San Francisco Chronicle…
The council’s experts said there are 820,000 chinook in the ocean now preparing to return to the Sacramento River system to lay eggs next fall.  Another 1.6 million chinook from the Klamath River are out there, according to the estimates – one of the largest populations of salmon on record.


…but “Don't believe everything printed in newspapers.”
cautious optimism
read the actual report

Steelhead Winding Down On Klamath And Trinity (CA)

Saving The Klamath (CA) – interview with Craig Nielsen
It’s a good fishery that could become a really great fishery. 
…see coverage on Kiene’s
…and article on potential dam removal

(Frying Pan, CO)
Bananas! that's all we can say about the fishing right now. Wicked good midge hatches throughout the day with fish chowing on the surface and solid nymphing in between hactches. Get on it!  Do it to it! The Pan is going off with midges right now and the fish know it and so should you. The bugs have been poppin' off almost everyday now with heavy numbers of fish feeding on the surface doing their thing. Let's get this fishing season started off on the right foot! Dry fly madness! Killer midges hatches on the reg right now.  GOTTA LOVE IT!  Drys, nymphs and streamers? You name it, you can fish it on this section of the Pan. Great hatches of midges right now makes for some outstanding dry fly fishing happing everyday now.

The Beginning
… (Penns, PA)
Bugs are hatching and fish are rising a little!

Circus Coming Soon (Catskills, NY)
there have been stoneflies, midges, and olives around so there is a chance to see rising fish in spots.

Turning The Corner (Bighorn, MT)
streamer fishing is giving way to spring nymphing

Get Ready (Bighorn, MT)
Midge activity is ramping up The fish really want to rise

March Madness is here: Time for trout fishing” (Deschutes, OR)
Customers and our Caddis Shop guides are reporting seeing “a few” March Brown’s on our local waters.

Light At The End Of The Tunnel (Truckee, CA)
After these stroms roll out, it should be business as usual. We’re coming into a good time of the year, Spring, to catch big fish throughout the entire Truckee River system, California and Nevada.  Skwalas will be in the air, march browns, and blue wings.

Early Spring (Delaware, NY/PA)


Back To Normal (Colorado, AZ)
To help put the current flow levels into perspective; our current high flow is approximately four vertical feet lower than the flows that we saw last year…the river is finally back to normal.

Thanks Old Friend” (Montana)
……you were a great companion…..a machine in the field.


Huge Rivers & Mythical Beasts” & The Meaning Of Life (Oregon
I consider man’s role in society: For millennia our job has been to enter the realm of mythical beasts and to return with bounty or stories. Standing on a gravel bar near a deep pool at tidewater, I feel that tension of lurking danger.  …The landscape sparks a conversation about the afterlife. If I drown right now, would my ghost haunt these waters? …Can we derive meaning by wading in these gray-green rivers, pushing out feathery handmade squid imitations into the current, waiting for some connection to the natural world?



blog comment:
  mike says:
  March 15, 2012 at 4:01 am
  This river is too deep for me.


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