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weekly highlights from the best fly fishing reports
XXX Steelhead porn (Oregon) – the conquests of Brian Marz
It is a spot where the bucket is all the way across the river, and you have to hold your fly in there as long as you can while mending over a heavy plume of mainstream current. On my third presentation, I had an insane take, and the fish was running up through the main gut of current before I even knew what was going on. It bopped a huge air, and revealed its chrome bright look, and oversized native body before turning downstream and burning a turbo charged blistering run right to the tailout above a long set of rapids where it stopped on a dime… (read more)
“March of the Skwala - It's about to bust loose” (Yakima, WA)
March madness is almost here! The Skwala Stonefly hatch will be rockin' so get your waders out of the attic and let's get a move on!
Signs of spring
Lower Sacramento , CA
Hatches are running weeks early, with the famed blizzard spring caddis coming off on the sunny afternoons. We typically do not see this hatch until well into March. Some March Browns, PMD’s and lingering BWO’ mayflies are mixed in making for an aggressive bite.
--- guided trip opening this Sunday with Shane Kohlbeck, Lower Sac Trout
Upper Sacramento, CA
Whoo-hoo, 67 degrees in Dogpatch yesterday.... gotta love these early hints of spring which, by the way, is a little over 3 weeks away. Our mild non winter continues to barrel forward and the Upper Sac remains in fishy shape.
Penns Creek, PA
Happy days are here again, 4 trout on dry stoneflies. Its been a long time since I got a Penns Creek fish on a dry fly.
White, AR
Caddis are already moving upstream from the confluence of the Norfork and the White.
Frying Pan, CO
The lower section of the pan is really picking up now that spring is just around the corner.
Frying Pan, CO
With Spring just around the corner, Midges are becoming more active by the day. Rising fish are more common.
Yellowstone, MT
It feels like Spring in Montana these days although it is still a little early to make that assumption.
Thoughts of spring (Au Sable, MI)
Next week looks wonderful, with temperatures in the 40s. That kind of weather makes it hard to sit still. It seems like every year we get one of these early thaws. It's a magical time. The crust on the swamps melts into the river. The water rises and stains, and the fish begin to shuffle around. Deer crowd the south-facing banks. A few stoneflies hatch. And we anglers, always hopeful, dig out our dry fly boxes and see what state of disaster we left them in.
…There's nothing like streamer fishing on a sunny day in March. You're comfortable and dry and the fish are eating big streamers. It feels kind of like cheating.
…the warm winter has encouraged the guides to offer our annual EARLY SEASON SPECIAL on guide trips at a much earlier date.
…while in the grips of winter (Au Sable, MI)
Spring water prognosis (Upper Sacramento, CA)
Excluding a miracle March of wetness (I don't see it in the cards) the Upper Sac seems to be headed towards a very fishable river for the "opener" at the end of April and beyond. The snow pack is about 30% currently which translates into bad for the white water people and those of you south of here. Shasta Lake does have enough water stored to take care of you city dwellers but you irrigators, from what I hear, are only getting 50% of your allotment. Oh yeah, for those of you wondering about the Upper Sac and McCloud Rivers there should be plenty of water in the aquifers and all the springs seemed to be charged up nicely thanks to the last two winters.
Heard on Kiene’s (regarding prospective 800 CFS flows on the American next week)
what a difference a year makes. It was 30,000 last year in the spring and we were worried about fish spawning in the parking lot.
Getting dry out east? (Pennsylvania)
Precipitation for most of the month of February was just over one inch, and streams in Central PA have continued to drop. Even larger waters are now getting a little low. Whatever the long term consequences, that means that fishing right now is both practical and good.
Backup plan (Yellowstone)
Calling for sustained winds in the 30s to 40s through Wednesday, so I'd find a stool at the bar
Skwalas, whiskey and beer video (Yuba, CA) (2 weeks old)
Fly fisherman rescued from Kenai River
A Cooper Landing fly fisherman was rescued and rushed to an Anchorage hospital after falling through ice on the Kenai River on Saturday.
Male body recovered from Spokane River banks
Spokane Police Department says the body was above the water on the rocks... Officials say the call came in after 3:30 p.m. from a man who was fly fishing.
A River Runs Through It – 20th anniversary – impact on Montana
Midget hatch?
Fishing was great with a solid midget hatch from about 11 to 3 and a few baetis were spotted.
Steelhead derangement syndrome
If you’re swinging flies, you have to have some kind of suspension of disbelief. 99% of the time, it’s not going to work. But it always could!
Porno Prawn (Oregon)
The sky turned black and rain poured into the valley. The sky cleared and a fresh dust of snow gleamed on a clear cut peak.