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January 13

Oregon steelheading:
oregon steelheading

Ice ain’t nice (Yakima, WA):
"Major ice flow today, no fishing for a few days."

“We're still chasing this fish we call James.  Sits in the same place everyday.  We've spent a month on him (or he's spent a month putting up with us).

Misanthrope? -- A lone gray wolf is now in Lassen County (California)
We didn't think the wolf would be here so soon"
california wolf lassen county

The State of California speaks:
“Gray wolves pose little direct risk to humans.  Any wolf that enters California is protected as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act.”

...Sure about that?
“Armstrong claims wolves are the only predators who kill for fun, eating their prey while the animals are still alive and chewing fetuses out of cows. She and other wolf opponents are quick to bring up the wolf killings of Candice Berner in Alaska and Kenton Joel Carnegie in Canada.  Berner, 32, was attacked, killed and partially eaten… Carnegie, 22, was killed and partially eaten, apparently by a pack of wolves, on Nov. 8, 2005.  Both victims put up a fight before they were killed.”

Lower Sac Bobcat (CA)
lower sac bobcat

Thirsty for rain out West
dry winter


"There is much talk of course about the low snow fall over the past 6 weeks."

"This is not our typical late December/ January in southwest Montana.   Most of December was cold and dry, then finally it warmed and the snow began to fall….but only for a few days….enough to allow tracked rigs in Yellowstone."

New Mexico
"With the San Juan Basin now at 69% of normal snowpack for this time of year, we could have used the moisture, but we've still got a lot of winter left to play catch-up."

California – far north
"This winter of non winter weather marches on..."

California -- Tahoe
"It’s the middle of January and still no snow in Tahoe, crazy."

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