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September 21

Hungry Bears (Upper Sacramento, CA)
Oh yeah, the bears. They are getting active with blackberries now at their peak of ripeness. They have been feasting on them and a few sightings have been reported. Note the large pile of scat in the middle of the tracks that almost caused a derailment.
Dogpatch Blackberry Jam Pile

bear scat on upper sac railroad tracks

The “Golden Season” (San Juan, NM)
And now we come to that "golden season", when the heat of summer fades, replaced by cool mornings and evenings, and rich, resplendent, fall sunshine. Days on the water, surrounded by the changing colors of the cottonwoods, crisp clean air, and the sound of rushing waters, occasionally punctuated with intonation of geese and ducks, in flight. A grand time to be on the San Juan.

Autumn Haiku (Au Sable, MI)
Another cool crisp fall morning.  Summer is over.  The leaves are changing.  The fish are on the move, arriving at their typical pre-spawn haunts.

Also In Arkansas (Norfork, AR)
The brown trout spawn is starting early on Norfork tailwater. Please be aware of active redds and avoid them.  Summer is coming to a fast end. Expect some cooler weather for the next couple of weeks.

Within Our Sights” (Montana)
The arrival of September has brought cooler days and longer nights which has helped improve our fishing. Fall Baetis and great streamer fishing is within our sights!

What More You Gotta Say? (Bighorn, MT)
Fishing is spectacular right now! It could hardly get any easier or be more exciting. Hatches remain consistent and prolific.

Streamer Anglers (Au Sable, MI)
In the fall, cool, cloudy, wet weather is what we want...and it's what we're going to get.  The streamer anglers become very excited this time of year.

Olive Anglers (Au Sable, MI)
But there is another breed of angler that also waits for cold, rainy weather: the olive anglers.  With two different olives (#20...#24 or smaller) that hatch during these nasty afternoons, the fishing can be downright wonderful.

Streamer + Nymph Dropper? (Au Sable, MI)
Some of the guides have been trailing beadhead nymphs (#12-#14) off the back of the streamer and catching quite a few fish that way.  Fish chases the streamer, sees the nymph, and takes.

Weather’s Impact (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
The cold water has the Trout on the feed... Anglers planning to fish do need to realize that the Trout are not everywhere. There has not been enough rainfall to spread the fish throughout the system yet.

Big Mouths (Northern California)
Zen Thought Of The Day ....... Men and fish are alike. They both get into trouble when they open their mouths.

Irregular Flows (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
irregular flow carton upper delaware river

Yellowstone Hatch Guide – Illustrated
Adult Midge

No Drilling (Au Sable, MI)
SAVOY ENERGY IS NO LONGER PURSUING THE APPLICATION TO DRILL AT THE PROPOSED SOUTH BRANCH WELL AT THE CHAPEL.  This fight began in 2003.  That's 9 years ago.  Anglers of the Au Sable and many other groups fought tooth and nail against this, and won a case requiring an Enviornmental Impact Statement be prepared with regards to the well.  That led to this announcement.  It's now over...officially.

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