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January 6

San Juan fantasy:
“Judging by the crowds on the San Juan this past week, you might have thought April Vokey was giving fishing lessons in the Kiddie Hole, in a bikini. Unfortunately, that was not the case.”

So who is April Vokey?

“Fly Gal Ventures is a guiding operation that was created in 2007 by British Columbian Steelhead angler/guide, April Vokey; a Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF) certified casting instructor and dedicated conservationist.  …Originally based around local fisheries and workshops geared primarily for women, the vision was to bring specialized courses and instruction to other female anglers and newcomers to the sport. …However…it didn’t take long for the guys to jump on board the excitement of Fly Gal's steelhead and salmon trips.”

Waiting for winter in Northern California (Trinity and Klamath Rivers)
“The surrounding Trinity Alps are void of snow. River flows are abnormally low, winter steelhead are late, and the first generations of Callibaetis mayflies have begun to hatch. Wow, strange and hard to imagine we are currently in the height of our winter season. Or are we?  …I’ll take the odds this persistent west coast high pressure system will eventually lose its grip and sooner than later we’ll receive some kind of winter season.”

”Winter anglers continue to enjoy snow free Sierra”

but do the steelhead care? (Trinity River)
“Everyone says we need rain. I guess, but really, the fish don’t give a …ck! Steelhead are in the river and the winter fish are on their way and it’s been an amazing season so far, and this February should be off the charts.”

“…as good as we've seen since the epic 2007 season…”

Meanwhile, lone wolf, named OR7, enters area (first since 1924 in California):
“large wilderness areas such as the Marble Mountains, Trinity Alps and backcountry areas around Lassen and Mt. Shasta have high potential to support wolves.  Furthermore, once re-established in northern California, wolves could feasibly repopulate the Sierra Nevada which contains a large amount of suitable habitat in its own right.”

"We cannot predict what he will do next"

Snow, at last, in Michigan (Au Sable River):
“A pretty decent winter storm has come through the western half of the state.  It snowed, but not much.  Pretty though, especially when it first fell and slumped the evergreens over.”

Icy boots and steelhead fishing (Pennsylvania)
“ was cold and I wanted to get my wading shoes off my feet before the laces froze. Those of you that have fished for steelhead in the winter know that upon leaving the water in subfreezing weather, wet wading shoelaces can freeze in a hurry. On occasion, I have spent time with my wading shoes on in front of the vehicle heater thawing out the laces.”

Yellowstone National Park – a little Led Zep anyone? (nice chromer music …metal heads…)

and an epic trip getting there:
“Things went as planned until Madison, but we were headed to Mammoth and once we hit the Gibbon Canyon, things were a bit western.  A wind loaded road, combined with oncoming traffic, 40 some odd north bound bison, a single lane most of the time and falling snow made for an epic ride.   After picking up the clients, our five rigs made our way back up the Golden Gate only to get turned around by LE at Rustic Falls.  An hour before we had punched our way through Swan Lake Flats, now it was blowing 50 mph and Winter had definitely arrived in Yellowstone.  So, plan B was implemented and a run to West Yellowtone via BZN was the way out.  Our clients were headed to Old Faithful and honestly, conditions weren’t too bad upon entering the gate at 4 pm.  …Over the snow travel is now here.  Tomorrow marks the first day of tracked rigs and sleds.  Now it feels like Winter is here.”

Can’t get there from here (Yellowstone)

All in a day’s work (Montana)

Winter “adventure” (Au Sable, MI)
“This is the time of year for adventures: both wanted and unwanted.  Yesterday was of the unwanted variety.  We floated a stretch of river only to find that the steep take-out was unplowed.  Well, a little ingenuity never hurt anyone, and while Kyle kept fishing (the jerk!) Matt and I strung together every tow rope, strap, anchor rope, and scarf available to drag the boat out with. …It worked.  And Kyle didn't catch any fish, which served him right.”

Who you gonna believe?
“The myth that trout do not chase down streamers in the winter is so completely over blown by those that love to sit home and just write about it.  During the cold weather months Dec thru March the window for a good bite does shrink to a much shorter period of time each day but trout are still very aggressive.  Typically the warmest part of the day is best and as always with browns the lack of bright sun.  …Winter is great time to fish because pressure is all but gone right now.” 
Now here’s the evidence:

What would Freud say about all this? (White River, Arkansas)
“Effective patterns have been Zoo Cougars, Sex Dungeons and Butt Monkeys.”

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