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December 23

Where is winter in Michigan?

“It hardly counts as winter fishing if you don't have to bust through a snow-drift and five-feet of shelf-ice to get to the river.  No ice in the guides.  No frozen waders.  No frozen snot moustaches.”

So far still no winter in NE Michigan yet!

And in New York’s Catskills:
“So far this fall and now winter, which started yesterday, there has been little snow.  Presently there is no snow cover in the Catskills.  All indications at present call for an early season next year..  However, conditions can change.  We will keep you informed of any changes.”

It has been winter-cold at night in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California:
if the nighttime lows continue to get down into the low teens we'll wind up with some formidable shelf ice.”

…but “where is the winter rain?”, ponder NorCal steelheaders…
“The winter steelhead season is upon us and if we had any water right now, we would be experiencing some great early winter steelheading… It has now been almost a month since the last rains and has been by far the driest December I can remember [fourth driest on record, since the 1800’s].  While there are some fish in many of our coastal rivers, they are either closed or too low and clear to successfully fish. The next series of storms we get are going to bring in a big push of fish on many of our systems and should offer some of the best winter steelheading of the season. At the moment, it looks like it is going to be sometime after the first of the year before things get going.”

Washington’s Olympic Peninsula
olympic peninsula fly fishing

olympic peninsula fly fishing - 2

I respect anyone who chooses where he fishes based on aesthetics.” (Au Sable, MI)
“Nathan just stopped by to recount his day yesterday, which included catching a few trout, and also spooking a ton of them off the sandy-inside bends.  Today he's headed to the South Branch to enjoy the frosting of fresh snow in the spruce trees and pines.”

One way to keep warm
Au Sable stogie

What he does the rest of the year
au sabler santa

Colorado River (AZ):
colorado river fly fishing

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