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December 16

Steelheading in the mythical “state of Jefferson” (CA & OR):
“In 3 days on the river, we only briefly had an encounter with two other female spey anglers [editor's note: is this what happens in heaven?].  Each morning, we awoke to frozen windshields, waders, and boots. The only things getting us moving are a hot cup of coffee and thought of wild steelhead taking swung flies near the surface… Iced up guides keep the casting entertaining, having to dip the rod in the water to clear the ice in preparation for the next cast…this was my last outing of the season in the State of Jefferson and it proved to be well worth freezing our asses off!”

jefferson steelheading

Winter fishing in Oregon:
“To my mind, winter is the most interesting and dynamic season for the fly angler in Oregon. …After each high water event, fresh fish will quickly move upstream towards their natal spawning gravels. It is our job to be in the right place at the right time to try to intercept them.”
Oregon steelheading

and in Washington (Yakima):
“Cold with some shelf ice, fishable but chilly.”

Steelhead clock ticking on the Deschutes:
Still some time left and not all the fish are dark tomatoes.”

Montana snow?  – “not much yet” – but it’s cold, baby
“There has yet to be much white stuff fall from the skies this winter…As I write, the thermometer reads 18 below zero….A few of us hit the Madison River yesterday afternoon, for 3 hours of winter angling…..catch a trout, warm the hands….repeat.” 
montana lake snow

nor in Colorado (Frying Pan River):
“I saw a vehicle driving up the access road on the far side of the flats today indicating how little snow there is on the ground. Usually by now, it is hard to get across baetis bridge and travel very far… It will be a problem for the ski slopes but great for fishing and a nice day out on the river at this time of year.”

and no rain in Northern California
“The weather has been cold and the heaters have been on.  We could use a big shot of rain.  The action will only get better with some weather.”

Bigfoot, steelhead and dad (Trinity, CA)
“The main thing about this trip was me getting to spend time and fish with my Dad I never wanted, Joe Cerniglia. Since having a bum knee, we really haven’t fished together in almost two years. Joe’s got a new knee, and new outlook on life, especially after he landed a nice fin clipped female of 29″, on our first afternoon. Fishing was fair, and we all managed to hook fish. I was mostly looking for Bigfoot, and not at my indicator. It’s also tough rustling up the nerve to fish the ultra foggy water. I’m sure we could have done a lot better if we did.”
trinity river fly fishing son trinity river father

San Juan River (NM) habitat improvement makes guide happy:
“I had some really good fishing in the new Braids area, last Tuesday... I am becoming a big fan of this new area; and after spending the bigger part of the day in there, only realized that I had not even touched many of the holes that they have created, until I started to find them by accident, stumbling out to the parking lot in near darkness. There's something for everyone in there. Some deeper, slower runs, some shallower faster ones, lots of boulders, logs, and even a beaver pond for some dry fly action.”

The browns are stacked in the creek like a cord of wood(Dry Run Creek, AR).

Trinity River Sign -- bummer
“Warning No River Access. Closed to All Non-Tribal members!”

(Fisher)man’s best friend:
“They say all good things must come to an end, but when it happens in a blink of an eye you gasp for breath trembling, and find yourself asking "What the hell just happened"?  My trout dog Madison, a pure bred Australian cattle dog, redefined the definition of a fishing buddy.  This post is a tribute to his life and the good times we had.”
fly fishing dog

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