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December 9

Snow…in Arkansas! (White River)

white river snow

“Anchor ice” forms on the Yellowstone – not surprising after Livingston dropped to 10 below.

Winter trout in Oregon
oregon trout fishingfog 12-8

The turning of the…lake (Colorado River, AZ)
The water temperature has been in the fifties, but is dropping and we expect Lake Powell to turn over anytime.”

"Things get to looking pretty bland once the leaves are gone and the skies have their afternoon gray (the curse of the Great Lakes)"
au sable river winter scenery

Bracing for winter (Truckee, CA)
The Squirrels are getting some last cheeks full of seeds before they are all buried by snow.  The sound of new studded tires is wide-spread.  A few folks are still laying in firewood, and sweeping the yard for things that shouldn't lay out all Winter.  but most of us are ready...  Happy Holidays all.....”

Fishing in the wind (Truckee, CA)
This ain’t Livingston MT, but it sure in the hell has felt like it the last few days. We’ve been pummeled by wind. My face looks like Jim Harrison’s. The wind can lead a man to drink, instead of Jim’s Vodka in the afternoon, I choose a good IPA.  Of course, I was stupid enough to guide in it yesterday, which in turn actually came out to be alright. If you waited for the tumbleweeds to float by, put it in the lane, fish would eat your fly.”

Graphic evidence of Old Man Winter:
snow cover

Advice on fly tying ambiance:

So crack open a beer, unzip a bag of jerky and get on the vise.
…and tie an Egg Sucking Tarantula Hairy Leg Leech

Bull Trout on the Yak (Yakima, WA)
One of our customers caught a very rare and very large Bull Trout while fishing alongside one of our shop staff members in the lower river a few days ago.  That is rare indeed, but it just goes to show that you never know what you are going to catch.  The mystery keeps us coming back time after time.”

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