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August 31

McCloud Fire Closure (McCloud, CA)
-- latest updates
Cal Fire crews, under a Unified Command with California Interagency Incident Management Team 1, have completed the construction of contingency containment lines from McCloud Reservoir to Grizzly Peak
-- Kiene discussion 1
Pray for the McCloud, folks. She needs it.
-- Kiene discussion 2 – Pit affected as well
[a local Forest Service official] expects the closure to continue at least until late September. Best to call the Mt. Shasta Forest Service office before venturing to the McCloud or Pit Rivers 530-926-4511.
-- Fall River impact: The overcast the smoke creates has improved the dry fly fishing
-- Pit River: The Pit River has been outstanding but due to the Bagley Fire, we have not visited in the past week.
-- latest maps

Washington Fire Over (Yakima, WA)

The “burn is behind us” - a literal phrase represented in this picture taken in the Upper Canyon between Cle Elum and Thorp yesterday.  It was my first time through that float since the awful Taylor Bridge fire that originated just a few miles from the put-in we used at Bristol Flat.  The fire burnt up to the river in many places and even burnt down the vegetation in many areas.  As many of you know that read the Powerhour Reports page, there were 61 homes destroyed in this fire.   Fortunately however there were no human fatalities although there were no doubt some family pets and horses lost in the blaze.

Turning The Corner (Catskills, NY)
As is always the case after a hot summer autumn nymph fishing is excellent. This action is already very good in the freestones.

Cooling Down (Catskills, NY)
Crisp overnight air temperatures helped bring water temps down and felt very nice this morning.

Positive Trend (Upper Sacramento, CA)
Evenings are getting cooler so look for fishing to improve in coming weeks.

Anticipation (North Fork Yuba, CA)
I can feel it, like all animals do this time of year. Autumn is on the wind, drifting in slightly with a few clues to those who look. The wind has a crispness to it, a slight chill. Pine needles have began falling and the tips of the big leaf maple are turning a slight yellow. Warblers in the high country are on the move and the rest of our feathered friends have changed their normal summer behavior. But the one clue that Fall is on its way was the Blue Wing Olive mayflies I saw in the past few days on the North Fork Yuba river, that just says it all!

Heater Activation (Truckee, CA)
Our heater in our house kicked on this morning, first time in months. 34 degrees this morning in the Hirsch, I know fall and consitent fishing is around the corner.

High Sierra Seasonal Musings (Truckee, CA)
I’ve often talked about the things I see, going to and from the water.  Just as interesting sometimes, is what I don’t see.  Since late May, a family of killdeer have met me at a trail head.  They have moved on………  The golden stone shucks that have littered the shore for a few weeks, are gone.  The bits of cray fish that colored the stream bottom for more than a month, are gone….  The pale morning duns are tiny and sparse. Almost gone….  Now, when I roll out at dawn, I might put on a jacket.  The water is a little cooler every day.  Nighttime air temps dropped to mid 30s in the canyon.  Days getting lighter, later.  And getting darker a bit earlier in the evening.  Found some Oct. Caddis shuck today.  A full month early…..  All in all, a perfect start to Fall.  Lots of fish looking at grass Hoppers now, because of fewer food choices. Drown them….  No color change in the foliage, yet…  I say fish now, or hold your peace this Winter.  It’s coming……

September In Michigan (Au Sable, MI)
September is the most relaxing month to fish for trout in our area. Unless it’s cloudy and rainy and we’re fishing for brown trout, the pace is slow and easy and dry flies. And to my favorite trout—brook trout.  If you want it more x-games adrenaline style, then pick a rainy day and go for browns in the drift boat with a great guide. Or for an even bigger bite, give us a shout and I’ll put you with a top tier Salmon guide. We’ve got a few spots open and those tackle busting fish are measured in pounds.  Nothing like the Fall in Northern Michigan. There’s so much to do.

October Caddis… Coming soon (Truckee, CA)
I am seeing......October Caddis shucks now.  Broke one open (for the cause) and it was about a week away.

Stonefly Hatch (Yakima, WA)
As you can see by this pic, the Stonefly hatch is going absolutely CRAZY right now.

Back To School (Green, UT)
With school back in session the recreational traffic on the Green River is down.  Weekends will see a little bump in traffic, but compared to the hot days of summer, it’s much quieter.

Discussion Board Rumble (Kiene’s discussion on 30” brown)
I thought all the "my genital organ is bigger than yours" comments occurred on the steelhead threads.

Spoiled (San Juan, NM)

When you know that you can go out at pretty much anytime of the day and still get into some quality fish, you sometimes lose your edge and don't approach it with the zeal you once had when the opportunity was a little harder to come by. It's a little easier to have that extra cup of coffee and stay a little longer at the shop, BSing with everyone, when you really should be on the water, making the most of every day. I'm spoiled and I know it. I came to this realization the other day after I spent the morning lollygagging around and finally managed to get on the water at the early crack of 9:30, to find fish rising everywhere to a morning midge hatch. I wasted no time fishing tiny midge patterns to rising fish for the next 45 minutes or so, but I couldn't help wondering how long this had been going on before I got there and how much of it I had missed. That's what happens when you think you know too much.

But Still Got Mojo (San Juan, NM)
The staying late thing, I have never had a problem with. As a matter of fact, I caught some of my best fish this past week when I stayed, what some would consider too late, twitching a hopper pattern to rising fish that gave me some explosive takes, well past what a sane person would consider dark. So I paid for it with having to make three attempts to cross the channel I was on and I floundered around a little in the bushes on my way out with the mosquitoes, it was worth it. I like that time out there, alone as you could ever feel, just you and these fish, the lonesome hum of tires from the oilfield trucks on their way home, blocked out by your concentration on that last rising fish and the familiar buzz of a mosquito that, like you, refuses to quit.

Praying for H2O (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
If reservoir levels don’t increase by the end of this month, releases could be reduced further.

Trico Guarantee (Au Sable, MI)
“If you do everything right to a pod of trout eating tricos this time of year you might catch a couple. If you do everything wrong and throw something else to the same pod, you’ll probably catch a couple.”

Moonlighting Browns (White, AR)
The fishing is fair at this time but not as great as it was but then we are also entering another full moon phase this month as well when the fish will feed primarily at night. 

After We’re Gone (Au Sable, MI)

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