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August 16

Epic Steelhead Season? (Klamath, CA)
There are a zillion salmon all ready to move up river. This could be one epic steelhead season coming up!

White Fly Squadron (Au Sable, MI)
white flies are showing up below Mio and the next ten days look like a good time to be a Michigan Trout angler.

Fire On The River (Yakima, WA)
Fishing remains good but unfortunately Kittitas county is under fire, literally, in some areas.

Inferno – but still fishable (Yakima, WA)
Most of you have probably heard about how big the fires have gotten. It has affected the upper river between Cle Elum and Thorp. We would recommend staying away from that part of the river for a while. We are good to go in the canyon the fishing has been good especially the dry fly fishing.

Thunder Thighs Hopper” (Yellowstone)
The Thunder Thighs Hopper in yellow, size 10, took several decent fish on the surface.

Fat Bottom Girls Video

Early Fall – In Michigan (Au Sable, MI)
Given the changing leaves in the maples, the cooler night air, and the beautiful 10-day forecast, it’s easy to recognize the beginnings of fall.

August Sludge (Upper Delaware, NY/PA)
The “sludge” is a problem in the upper reaches making nymph fishing difficult as the fly requires cleaning off often…  For those looking forward to the fall, conditions usually improve by early Sept.

Mud Plug (Yellowstone)
There was a mud plug on Sunday but it should be all through now, algae bloom is dying off and flushing down.

Gas Bubble Trauma (Bighorn, MT)
Despite the low flows, warmer temps, long periods of sunlight, algae and gas bubble trauma, the Bighorn River trout continue to be the most amazing fish in the Northwest.

Shitty Drifts (Yellowstone, MT)
Bring the A game.  By now, our trout have seen thousands of shitty drifts and they want to see the fly drift perfectly.

Trout Of A Lifetime – did he land it?  (somewhere in Colorado)

Occasionally; my wild streak still comes out and I'll get an idea in my head and act on it, before the sensible side of my brain can act and spoil all the fun...  After…the coffee wore off a bit… I found myself wondering if perhaps the night had written a check that the daylight wouldn't be able to cash. But after a glimpse or two of some crystal clear flowing water and the sound of the rushing stream from my open window, my sense of adventure was renewed by visions of those big trout in the bottom of my landing net.  …my indicator disappeared into the abyss of a deep run and when I lifted my rod tip, and a brown trout the size of a large log drifted to the surface and gave me the evil eye. Fighting back initial panic, a surprisingly short fight ensued and before you know it I had wrangled the biggest trout I have ever hooked, to within ten feet below me into the shallows. [read more…]

The Little Things (Catskills, NY)
The new garbage cans and some new benches have been placed on Stewart Ave and they are really nice looking.They are kind of sleek with a black finish.  New distillery will be opening in the fall at the old firehouse in Roscoe.

Next Generation (San Juan, NM)
We had 5 year old Tee on boat who was a great fisherman. He caught more fish than his dad.  It was great to see all the kids this young catching fish. Truthfully this is what fishing is all about. The new generation coming along and enjoying what their parents have enjoyed for years. We love trips like this and we know it will stay in their memories forever.

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